Recipe : Bihun with meat and vege soup

Ewah, nama resepi. ntah apa2x... The truth is, the soup is made by campak2x vege (since vege kat UK is so cheap) and daging. You can opt for yellow mee instead of bihun together with the soup. Here is the campak2x recipe:
Gravy Ingredients
1/2 kilo of fresh meat
Cherry tomatoes - cut into halves
Broccoli - cut into floret
Cauliflower - cut into floret
Shallots - 5 cloves
Garlic - 3
Dried chillies - 5
* you can also add button mushrooms, baby corn ....campak jer semua sayur yang ada.
Other Ingredients
Bihun or yellow mee
Telur rebus
Red & green chillies
1. Machine the shallots, garlic and dried chillies.
2. Stir fry the machined ingredients.
3. After the ingredients turned yellowish, add the meat and 4 cups of water.
4. Let it boil and add carrots.
5. Pour all the boiled ingredients into the slow cooker.
6. Add all veges into slow cooker. Set at med for about 4-5 hrs.
7. Serve with bihun or yellow mee.
8. Garnish with boiled egg, red&green chillies.
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