Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Superfood Spinach

Spinach Masak Air

Spinach&Egg - good for breakfast

February is my Detox Diet Month ;)Hence, I'll cook&eat more organic foods and white meats; less red meat and fast food. Let's start with spinach or I rather call it Superfood Spinach. Remember when Popeye need more energy when he going to punch+hit Brutus to save his skinny Olive - ahaks! That's Y I called it SUPERFOOD SPINACH!!!

Full recipe...

Spinach Masak Air
Tumbuk bawang putih (2 ulas). Dah garing tambah secawan air dan sos tiram+gula+garam (but than, I am in the Detox Diet regime - no need salt+sugar). Masukkan spinach+cabai hidup (hiris nipis dan buang biji) + bawang merah (3 ulas, dihiris nipis). Masak sampai spinach lembut.

Rebus spinach sampai lembut. Toskan. Goreng telur. Angkat telur goreng dan letak atas spinach. Tuang sweet chilie sauce. Sesuai dimakan untuk breakfast.


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