Sunday, September 10, 2006

Honey, I cook honey rice

Honey! I cook honey rice today. I am getting bored eating plain rice. Hence, I substitute tomatoes with honey. As the result, honey rice recipe created!

Cerita aku dan epal

I don't like apple. I like kerabu apple and apple masam cicah sambal belacan. For me, eating apple itself - tak best.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Strawberry bersalut coklat?

Bukan, ini strawberry direndam dalam milk cow with cornflakes.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Alahai... MILO buatan Kenya

Punyalah susah nak dapatkan MILO kat UK. Melilau cari di Tesco, Morrison, Sainsbury's (major shops di Lufbra) tak dapat2x. Dah jadi precious thing pulak MILO kat sini. Hmm...asyik dok teringat MILO Kak Piah dan MILO Subaidah aja.
Bagaikan pucuk dicita, ulam mendatang; lepas sebulan di "Lufbra" I found the "precious" thing di pekan Leicestershire. EXcited sungguh, terus grab setin kecik (1.15 GBP, kalau convert ke RM dah dapat tin besaq MILO!).
Balik rumah terus pekena secawan MILO. Gulp! Alahai....ghupenyer MILO kat UK nie tak sedap. MILO yg diimport from Kenya. Aku rasa "hampas" koko depa amik buat MILO. Issk...tension akak.
Kak Piah! nak secawan MILO. uwa!!!

p/s: nie gambaq MILO yang buat Tipah Tertipu. Grrr...