Monday, January 29, 2007

Sar Hor Fan

Sar Hor Fan

I've been introduced to the Sar Hor Fan menu several years ago by Kak Tie. Terus jatuh CHINTA pandang pertama. psst..Kak Tie dok pi makan Sar Hor Fan lagi?? Nak eksyen skit - I can cook Sar Hor Fan oredy lorrr. No need to fly over to SG2 anymore lorr.. Below is my Sar Hor Fan recipe lorr...

package of broad flat white Chinese noodles (I used kuew teow)
1 chicken breasts (sliced into strips)
Chicken stock
Buck Choi
2 clove garlic (chopped)
1 shallots (chopped)
2 cups water
One egg (beaten)
2 tbsp light soy sauce
2 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tbsp oil
Pepper to taste

To prepare:
• Put 1 tbsp of oil into wok and stir fry 1/2 of the chopped garlic+shallot
• Add noddles and coat with light soy sauce
• Remove from wok and onto serving dish
• Place the rest of the oil into wok and stir fry the rest of the garlic+shallots
• Add 1 cup of chicken broth, then 2 cups water (add more water if you prefer a watery mixture)
• Add slices of chicken breasts and oyster sauce
• Add prawns
• Boil till everything is cooked
• Add in buck choi
• Bring everything to a boil again then turn off heat
• Stir in egg
• Add in pepper for taste
• Pour soup over noodles

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Dalca Ayam [Chicken Dhal]

Pose One: Chicken Dhal

Pose Two: Chicken Dhal

Pose Three: Chicken Dhal

Dah alang2x buat nasi tomato, eloklah dimasak dalca ayam jugak. Baru NGAM.
Resepi dalca ayam nie lebih kurang gulai udang jugak cuma tambahan kacang parpu aka kacang dhal dan buah keras serta minyak sapi semasa menumis.

Bahan Utama
1/2 ekor ayam - dibuang kulit
1 cawan kacang dhal.....rebus lembut

Bahan Tumisan A
5 ulas b.merah
3 ulas b.putih
½” Halia
1 biji buah keras

Bahan Tumisan A ditumbuk kasar

Bahan Pewangi
1” kulit kayu manis
3 kelopak bunga lawang
3 batang bunga cengkih
1 biji bunga pelaga

Bahan Tumisan B
1/3 rempah daging/ayam (30g)
10 ulas b.merah
5 ulas b.putih
1” halia

Bahan Tumisan B ditumbuk dan dicampur rempah

Bahan Lain
Santan dari sebiji nyior
Secawan air
Kacang buncis – 10 batang (100g)
Tomato kurang ranum – 4 biji. Dibelah 4
Karot - 2 batang
Ubi Kentang - 2 biji
Garam 1 sudu teh
Minyak sapi

1) Campur Bahan Pewangi bersama Bahan Tumisan A. Tumis dg minyak sapi sehingga naik kuning sambil periuk ditudung.
2) Masukkan Bahan Tumisan B. masak perlahan-lahan selama 15-20 min – pecah minyak.
3) Masukkan ayam, karot dan ubi kentang bersama santan pati yg dicairkan dgn secawan air.
4) Masukkan kacang buncis. Masak selama 7 minit
5) Masukkan kacang dhal yg dah direbus tadi.
6) Dekat nak masak, masukkan tomato
7) Masukkan garam

Friday, January 26, 2007

Nasi Tomato [Tomato Rice]

Let's cook Tomato Rice today. I'll show how to cook the Tomato Rice step-by-step. Below are some steps that I'll point out:

Soak the basmathi rice for 1-2 hours. After that, clean the basmathi rice thoroughly with pipe water for about 3 times (depends on how clean is the rice you want. If u r the Bree's type of person[from Desperate Housewives] probably you'll clean the rice more than 3 times!). Pour the cleaned rice in the rice cooker. Add fresh sweetcorn*(fyi, the sweetcorn from Tesco is much sweeter than Morrisons), carrot(cubic), and the stir-fried ingredients[tumis darat].
*My abah always add sweetcorn in his nasi tomato recipe. He said: " the sour taste of fresh tomato blend with the sweetness of corn produce a lovely taste (masam2x-manis)." The rice also will look fancy with colours - Ooouh...!Luvly!

The stir-fried ingredients or bahan Tumis Darat:
shallots, garlic, red onion, ginger - machine or pound all the ingredients.
Hot the pan with vegetable oil (I didn't use minyak sapi. Vege oil taste better). Stir-fry the pounded ingredients with rempah 4 beradik [bunga lawang, bunga cengkih, buah pelaga & kulit kayu manis] and Pandan leaves. Salt to taste. After yellowish or dah garing add in the rice cooker. Mix with the other ingredients.

I never used ready-made tomato puree when I cook tomato rice instead, I machine the red&ripe fresh tomatoes. Produce pure and core tomato liquid - much better. Pour it in the rice cooker.

Aha! Don't forget to add fresh milk. One of the most important ingredient too.... Than, cook the rice as usual.

After the rice is already cooked, add giant peas and raisins. Mixed well. I used giant peas as above - softer than normal peas even Nigella Lawson opts to used that giant peas in her cooking.

Walla! This is what the Tomato Rice will looks like at end of the process. Fancy ??!

Let's eat! with Chicken Dhal and Papadam.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Bihun Sup

Bihun Sup

ChEQ tak tau pasaipa orang tanya kat ChEQ : "awat bihun sup utara color kuning???" ChEQ terkedu sat pasai setahu ChEQ tak semua bihun sup Utara warna kuning. Seingat ChEQ bihun sup kantin sekolah ChEQ saja (yg semangkuk 3 kupang or 5 kupang? dah tak ingat) color kuning. Tapi ChEQ tak makan pun bihun sup tu pasai ChEQ tak berkenan warna kuning tu. Okay, pasai ChEQ tak berapa berkenan dgn bihun sup color kuning, hari nie ChEQ nak share resepi bihun sup Utara tanpa color.

Tumis bawang merah+bawang putih+halia. Masukkan stock tulang dan daging. Tambah carrot. Dah empuk masukkan celery dan garam serta sup bunjut (atau bancuhan serbuk sup). Kalau nak rasa style Sup Siam - ketuk2 cabai melaka dan perah air limau nipis.

Sambal Merah (sambal nie wajib kena ada. if not, tak kick meh!):
Tumis bawang besaq dan cabai kering(kisar @ giling @ mesin). Dah garing tambah sos cili pedas dan sos cili manis. Tambah air sedikit dan gula+garam. Masak sampai sambal tu pekat.

Rendam semalaman. Peh tu celur.

Garnish dgn bawang goreng dan daun sup + coriander.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Moi and the swollen gum.

Moi @ bubur nasi

Such a bit shock waking-up on last Sunday morning seeing my husband cheek bloated ... he said he got a swollen gum. We keep wondering why suddenly the gum become swollen because on the day before in fact, the night before, the tooth, the gum are in the good condition. But than, I called my Big Brother, and he told me that may be my husband is facing a wisdom teeth problem.
The cause of impacted wisdom teeth is the teeth often don't have enough room to erupt because modern human beings have a shorter jawbone. This causes wisdom teeth to grow slanted, horizontally, or even to be completely buried inside the jawbone. In the end, the gum will swollen badly like what happen to my husband. Anyway, this is only an assumption from us. We still need to see the dentist to get the right pescription.

I end up cooking moi or bubur nasi for him since he can't chew properly. Below is the moi recipe.

Rice (1 pot), Water (1 liter), daging (cubic), carrot (cubic), potato (cubic), and salt to taste, Pour all in the ingredients in the cooker. Cook as you cook normal nasi.

Garnish with telur masin or ikan bilis goreng.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Oxtail Soup

oxtail soup aka sup ekoq

Yesterday, we went to buy some fresh daging @ Euroasia (one of the three halal meat suppliers @ Lufbra). Fortunately, the Euroasia-guy offered us ox tail. Yabedabedu! beli sekilo since only on the odd occasion jer bole jumpa ekoq lembu. And today I cook the oxtail soup. Pergh...kalau dapat cicah dgn roti benggali - sebijik macam sup Sahul Hameed!!! Below is the OXTAIL SOUP recipe:

FIRST STEP - making the stock
1kilo oxtail - cut into two inch oxtail sections
1 gallon water (agak2x lah yer. Kalau masak dlm slow cooker, biar paras air seinci from the cover)
1 teaspoon of salt
Cook the above ingredients in the slow cooker overnite which I set at medium.

Tengahari esoknya...lepas oxtail tu dah betul2x tender, barulah masak the soup.

SECOND STEP - making the soup
Tumbuk bawang merah, bawang putih dan halia. Dah yellowish, tuang oxtail stock. Add the oxtail and carrot. After 10mins, add sup bunjut (atau serbuk sup yg dah dibancuh). Than, add celery. Let it boil for while, add cabai melaka (ketuk2x) and salt to taste. Walla! Ready to be served.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Ayam Perap Sate

Marinate the chicken pieces up to 30mins.Cook it for 30mins or until the meat tender

Ayam Perap Sate

7 ketul ayam (medium pieces)
5 ulas b.merah
½ labu b.besar
Seulas besar b.putih
½” halia – dimayang
Sebatang serai – dipotong kecil2x
1/2” lengkuas
½ sudu teh jintan manis
Rempah serbuk/biji
Serbuk kunyit – hujung camca teh
½ camca teh gula
Susu cair/santan (I used fresh milk cow)

1) rendam jintan manis + rempah biji dalam air panas 5 min. sejat. Tumbuk
2) lepas lumat, tumbuk bersama lengkuas, halia, serai hingga hancur
3) tumbuk b.merah, b.putih, b.besar
4) gaul ayam dgn garam + serbuk kunyit + gula + hasil tumbukan
5) perap 15-30min
6) bakar di atas api sederhana
7) masukkan santan/susu cair

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Char Keow Teow

Arggh..!!! My Char Keow Teow turned out to be not so CHAR. Next time I'll only cook plate by plate not dump all ING. in the wok. That's why the Sany Char Keow Teow is so good coz' they fried in a small wok per person.

Kumbaya! I miss the Sany Char Keow Teow kat depan opis dulu. Having a plate of Char Keow Teow with Milo Ais kaw.kaw.kaw punya after bowling 'training' with those 2 girls. Hehehe...what happen to those girls? Hope they r fine.

Neway, don't be too gloomy, is not the end of the world yet. This is only a Monkey-test for Build One Char Keow Teow. There will be Build 2, 3, 4 and Maintenance Test to come. she goes merepek2x bab test execution.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Caramel Pudding

Such a great day when people invite us having a meal at their house. Sort of an escapism ... heheehe...anyway, I am not totally lost in the escapism mode, I do cook some undemanding, yet mouth-watering recipe as Buah Tangan to the host. (cheh, poyolah aku nie)

Below is the simple Caramel Pudding recipe


Egg - 7.
Sugar - 1 Cup for caramel, 4 tbsp for pudding.
Milk - 1 liter.
vanilla essence - 1tsp.

1. How to prepare caramel syrup:
Melt sugar in a pan, once you achieve that golden brown color, add a little bit of water and stir well. Caramel Syrup is ready for use.

2. Put the slice peaches in the Pyrex oval pie-dish. Pour the caramel on top of the peaches.
3. Now stir egg and sugar slowly. Add milk and vanilla essc. Stir well.
4. Pour this prepared mixture on top of the caramel.
5. Steam around 25mins.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Bihun Goreng

bihun goreng untuk jamuan hari raya aidil adha MML

telur dadar gulung

ada udang di sebalik bihun...

baby amirul, kak liza, ella, ustazah yatie & me

Kelmarin, sambutan Hari Raya Aidil Adha MML. Menu utama - KAMBING. 2 families buat aqiqah for their newly-borned daughter dan bermurah-hati memasak dan menjamu PENDUDUK MML pada majlis aidil adha. Merasalah makan gulai dan sup kambing. Bak kata Kak Aja, elok makan kambing bebanyak time winter nih - bagi panas badan. panas. panas. panas. Keluar James France Building sejuk balik...ayeeya kulitku mengalami proses luluhawa!!!

while I cooked bihun goreng as pot luck menu for majlis hari raya aidil adha MML.

Resepi bihun goreng
Bihun 1 bungkus (375-400g)
Daging 1/4 kilo - potong kecil2x
Ayam 1/4 kilo - potong kecil2x, ambil part tulang juga
Udang 150g - dibuang kulitnya
Kobis (I used sweetheart cabbage, kalau king cabbage sangatlah keras...)
Karot - disagat(I used organic carrot, lebih manis.)
Bawang merah - 5 ulas
Bawang putih - 6 ulas
Bawang besar - 1 labu
Cabai kering - 2 camca
Sos Tomato - 7 camca
Sos Cili - 5 camca
Sos Tiram - 3 camca
Kicap Manis+Masin - sesedap rasa
Gula+Garam - sesedap rasa
Minyak utk menumis

Bahan Hiasan
Telur 2 biji - pukul dan buat telur dadar senipis yg boleh. Gulung dan potong membulat.
Cabai hidup
Daun bawang
P/s: nak buat bawang goreng tapi dah tak sempat...

0. Rendam bihun semalaman...don't eva2x rendam dlm air panas. Patah bihun tu...tak cantik nanti.
1. Mesin semua bawang. Tumis dalam 5mins. Masukkan cabai kering yg dah dimesin. Biar garing dalam 10mins.
2. Masukkkan daging dan ayam + secawan air. Tambah sos tomato, sos cili, sos tiram, kicap masin + manis, gula dan garam. Biar daging dan ayam empuk - 15 mins. Atau sampai kuah sedikit kering.
3. Masukkan udang. Masak 3-5mins.
4. Masukkan bihun. Kacau hingga sebati. Part nie paling malas, sib baik Pais ada tolong kacau. hehehe...
5. Last sekali tambah kobis dan karot.
6. Hias dgn Bahan Hiasan.
7. Siap untuk dihidangkan di majlis MML.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Kuzi Ayam Istana Terengganu

Panjangnye namanya. As well as the recipe.

ayam kuzi dari istana terengganu

buah keras @ candle nut @ kemiri nut

Bahan Utama
Ayam ler apa lagi ek. 400g atau 1/2 ekor ayam med-size

Bahan Tumis A
3 helai daun pandan
4 camca minyak sapi
2 camca cili kisar (cabai kering)
6 ulas bawang merah - mayang
2 ulas bawang putih - mayang
4cm halia - mayang

Bahan Haruman
3 biji buah pelaga
1 camca jintan putih - tumbuk (I omit this ing.)
1 camca jintan manis - tumbuk
1 camca ketumbar - tumbuk
1 biji buah keras - tumbuk

Bahan Tumis B
1 labu bawang besar - mesin
5 ulas bawang putih - mesin
2 camca rempah biji/serbuk (I omit this ing.)
2cm halia - mesin
1 camca sos cili
1 camca sos tomato

Bahan Lain
Daun pudina (I omit this ing.)
1/2 cawan susu cair (I used fresh cow milk)
2 biji ubi kentang

1. Tumis Bahan Tumis A + Bahan Haruman.
2. Masukkan Bahan Tumis B.
3. Pabila dah pecah minyak, tambah ayam, susu, ubi kentang, gula + garam
4. Biar ayam masak sampai empuk.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Kerutub Ayam

1 ekor ayam

Bahan Perapan:
15 ulas bawang merah
5 ulas bawang putih
3cm halia
1cm kunyit hidup (I change with turmeric powder)
10 biji cabai hidup
2 biji buah keras (hardly to get the candle nut. I need too travel as far as Leicester just to buy this NUT. tak kuasa...but than, masakan lambat basi if we add the candle nut and also the food lebih sedap lorr...:P)

Bahan Tumisan:
1/2 cawan minyak masak
1 batang kulit kayu manis
2 labu bawang besar - dimayang
3 ulas bawang putih - dimayang

Bahan Lain:
3 sudu besar rempah beriani (some Kelantanese, they used their own Rempah Kerutub. I'm not from Kelantan, so I haven't seen this rempah. Need to ask MamaNajlah. I bet she knows...)
3 sudu besar sos tomato
3 sudu besar sos cili
2 sudu besar cili kering dikisar
1/2 cawan kerisik (I omit kerisik, malas nak buat. MERENYAH!!!)
1/2 cawan susu cair
2 cawan air (I didn't add water. Just add milk cow)
1 sudu kecil garam
2 sudu kecil madu.

Perap ayam dgn Bahan Perapan selama 30mins.
Tumis bahan tumisan. Masuk rempah beriani. Masak rempah lama2x skit.
Masuk semua sos, cili kering, susu. Apabila dah garing, masukkan ayam yg diperap.
Biar mendidih. Last sekali tambah garam, madu, gula.

Ayam Masak Merah

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Ayam Kicap Seri Serai

Don't you feel it is so monotonous to cook chicken with the same menu?

This was my last year menu:
Monday - Ayam Masak Kicap
Tuesday - Ayam Paprik
Wednesday - Ayam Goreng Halia
Thursday - Ayam Paprik (leftover from Tuesday)
Friday - Gulai Ayam
Saturday - Ayam Masak Kicap
Sunday - Donnington Park. Hahaaaaha


I don't give much attention to create a variation of chicken menu because I rather eat fish or seafood than a chicken. Somehow, I think to be a good chef you'll need to try various recipes and know-how to cook it or even invent a recipe. Brilliant! This year I'll manipulate the ingredients and create a new menu for chicken and keep bugging my mom for her appetizing recipes

Let's start with my new Ayam Kicap Seri Serai recipe

1. ***Salut ayam dgn kunyit + garam.( approx. 7 medium pieces) Goreng ayam. Put aside.
2. Stir-fry the pounded ingredients (3 cloves garlic, 1 red onions, 1/2" ginger and 3 btg serai). Kalau nak pedas, ketuk cabai melaka (3 biji).
3. After turn yellowish or dah garing, add kicap manis and masin.
4. Add the fried chicken. Add 2 tbs tamarind juice and a pinch of salt.
5. Finally add tomatoes, and big red onion, red chillies.

*** I watched Nigella Lawson used a plastic bag and put the turmeric powder and salt with the chicken inside. Than, she "lambung2x" the filled plastic bag so that the chicken disalut dgn turmeric powder + salt evenly. Our hands also won't be dirty by doing that. Good trick

Friday, January 05, 2007

Mee Udang Wharncliffe Road