Ginseng, breast cancer link?
Have you ever try the Ginseng Steamboat? My advice : just DON'T. It's sucks my whole weekend. My husband and I suffered a bad headache after eating the ginseng steamboat. I felt that all the nerves were going to tercabut and my brain was going to pecah bersepai. Arggh.. I just can't imagine how sakit it was. Curse ginseng. Curse the restaurant also. We vomit, vomit & vomit until my body weight decrease into 2 kg!!! Well it is good to lose weight but mind you, not in this way. According to Chinese's friend; Ginseng is not suitable for those who is not use to it. It is too hot. He advice us to drink the young coconut juice without ice. and yeah it's work. 3 days later someone forwading an email telling that ginseng can stimulate the cancer cell! I don't know how true is the news. As precautions, just don't eat. My husband & I already banned the ginseng in our life. The end.